El Refugi
Malniu's Hut is located at 2138m. a.s. and belongs to the municipality of Meranges. Puigpedrós is the highest peak in La Cerdanya.
We have 54 beds distributed into two rooms. Mattresses, blankets and pillows are provided. The use of sleeping bag is mandatory. Big dinning room with heater and multimedia space.
There are two dry toilets indoor and four toilets and two showers outdoor (at 25 meters) running along de summer season.
We can prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner and picnic to take away.
When the hut is closed there is an emergency room open (capacity: 4 people).
How to get: road N-260 till Ger. Take the road to Meranges and after de village follow the mountain road till the refuge (10km).
Silence time from 22:00h to 07:00h
Rooms availables from 15:30h to 08:30h
Breakfast: from 07:15h to 08:30h
Kitchen service open till:
- 15:30h: from 01/09 to 30/06
- 16:00h: from 01/07/19 to 31/08/19
- 20:00h from 15/06 to 15/09
- 19:30h from 16/09 to 14/06